Church Committee Descriptions

Christian Education

The committee is responsible for the education of all members of the congregation. It fulfills its responsibility through the following:

  • Sunday Church School
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Bible Study
  • Youth Activities

The committee provides the appropriate materials, supplies, and curriculum to the Sunday Church School and its teachers. It provides support for the teachers through orientation, consultation and training. In addition, the committee oversees Vacation Church School and the activities of our youth.


This committee is responsible for the following:

  • providing the invitation, reception and nurture of prospective members and visitors
  • ensuring that both those who are unable to be an active part of the body of Christ are visited, stimulated and welcomed
  • to carry Holy Communion to the homebound
  • to make the community aware of the mission and ministry of the congregation through advertising and marketing
  • maintaining a relationship with the families of St. Andrew Day School


The committee provides opportunities for our members to meet and interact with each other by planning and implementing various events and social gatherings such as:

  • Sunday coffee hour
  • congregation dinners


The committee oversees all financial affairs of the congregation to ensure that they are being conducted efficiently. The committee is responsible, with Congregation Council approval, for the investments of the congregation, as well as insurance programs. The committee is also responsible for the following:

  • preparing an annual budget for recommendation of the Congregation Council and approval by the congregation
  • preparing and providing a monthly treasurer’s report to the Congregation Council
  • the ordering and distribution of offering envelopes
  • annual statements
  • communication of financial conditions to the congregation through church publications


The committee provides the repair, maintenance and security of the property, building and grounds of the church. When appropriate the committee will:

  • solicit bids from contractors and will verify that the contracted work is satisfactory
  •  appraise the long-term and short-term needs which affect the property of the congregation.
  • oversee all aspects of the church sexton


The committee is responsible for providing charitable assistance, compassion and advocacy to those who are in need. Areas that fall under the responsibility of this committee are:
• The Caring Ministry

  1. Prayer Warriors
  2. Encouragement Team (greeting cards)
    • Food Pantry
    • mission trips
    • Good Samaritan fund
    • planning and organization of funeral dinners
    • meals to the sick and homebound


The committee works to promote the expression of the Christian faith and encourage the contribution of members’ time, talents and possessions. Its responsibilities include:

  • providing information to the congregation concerning the ministries of St. Andrew, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  • developing the understanding of stewardship within the congregation
  • providing a program which permits the membership to pledge their support of St. Andrew with gifts of money and time

Worship and Music

The committee supervises the activities which are required for the proper conduct of worship within the framework of Lutheran tradition and practice including:

  • recruiting, training and scheduling of volunteers for Altar Guild, Acolytes, Ushers, Greeters, Lectors, Worship assistants and others who are necessary to our Worship
  • the purchase and care of paraments and vestments
  • music personnel
  • the purchase and care of music, instruments and audio-visual equipment
  • construction and projection